About TSA - "Kingdom Ambassadors"

Inaugurated in March 2016 in London, UK



Our Root

TSA is a parish of worldwide RCCG mission founded in 1952. The church has grown to having over 23,000 parishes with over 3 million members worldwide as at July 2011. After the United Nations, RCCG has the largest spread with more than 180 foreign missions worldwide.

Our General Overseer is Pastor E A Adeboye, a former University Mathematics lecturer. He is a most sought after speaker at many conferences, conventions and he is a spiritual father to many including several heads of government worldwide. In December 2008, Newsweek, the international news magazine, named him one of the 50 most influential persons on the planet earth. He is married to Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.

RCCG mission’s mandate is to spread the good news of God’s kingdom to the ends of the earth. The church appeals to all people worldwide irrespective of their status in life. RCCG has been involved in establishing schools, rehabilitation centres, child care and family support centres all over the world. To read more about RCCG, click on this link:

How to achieve our mission statement?

  • Taking the Gospel to the people
  • Preaching only the truth of the gospel of Christ
  • Making Holiness our lifestyle
  • Instructing in love, righteousness and holiness
  • Absolute reliance on the Holy Spirit
  • Making excellence our watchword.
  • Abhorring sin and its manifestations

What We Do

Through our various expressions and ministries, we demonstrate our love for God and service to humanity. Our various ministries mirror our desire to lead others to achieve their God-given purpose, at the same time not losing the sight of our final destination” HEAVEN”. We work through our network of smaller groups to actualize God’s mandate to us.

What we believe

We understand that far beyond the Sunday morning assembly, God wants His people to know Him in a deeper and personal manner and passionately live out the faith enthroning His kingdom in every sphere of their endeavors.

Our Beliefs

  • We belief in the Triune God- God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
  • That Jesus is the Son of God, who came to reconcile humanity back to His Father
  • Christ resurrected and now seated at the right hand side of God making intercession for us
  • Christ’s coming back to take His Saints home to reign with Him in God’s Kingdom
  • God is the Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent

What awaits you?

The 3 Ws
  • Warm welcome - You are precious to God, so we will treat you as such.
  • Worship - Our worship session will prepare you for an encounter with God.
  • Word - The Word that will enrich your life.